Ana Lucia Garcia Hoefken

Común Denominador

Común denominador, granite and metal chains
Erosión antrópica I, Huamanga stone
Erosión antrópica II, Huamanga stone’s powder and glass
Erosión antrópica I, Huamanga stone
Erosión antrópica II, Huamanga stone’s powder and glass

In the exhibition Común Denominador the elements seek to give traceability to the evolution of the material and to take a retrospective of the process of change. A process arbitrarily infringed on the material seeking to display its own adaptability and limitations resulting in the contemplation of its various forms. This is a reflection about change and the desire to remain within a unit that is in perpetual transformation and resides in an inevitable loss. Contemplate the disorientation of time and generate a dialogue between their states.