Tierra cocida, tierra quemada
Tierra cocida, tierra quemada
Tierra cocida, tierra quemada, terracota fired at different temperatures
The figure of repetition symbolizes the essence of the tradition and serves to reconstruct and decode the process. In each cylinder the material reveals its own animated state, making more present the traditional technique with which it was made. This is a way of revealing the evolution of the material - its material qualities are activated and unknown states are discovered. By taking ceramics to its limit point, we are able to observe the personality of the material on another scale and can question all the possibilities it has, and in this way, an awareness of non-material formative forces emerges.
Why advocate for the vitality of matter? // En la tierra que habito // Lo estático en movimiento // Transfiguraciones // Tierra cocida, tierra quemada // Remembranza colectiva
Soundless surroundings // 214huevos.mp4 // Común Denominador // In the Age of Mechanical Reproduction // Momentum // Incognito // Hang in there // The Thing // The Blob
How to achieve by not achieving, how to make things without making them at all // Portafolio de Sedimentos // Of Human Freedom // Decaying Memory
Soundless surroundings // 214huevos.mp4 // Común Denominador // In the Age of Mechanical Reproduction // Momentum // Incognito // Hang in there // The Thing // The Blob
How to achieve by not achieving, how to make things without making them at all // Portafolio de Sedimentos // Of Human Freedom // Decaying Memory